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SiemensNX installation instructions for Middlesex University Students

SiemensNX is available to current students of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Middlesex University.

Student license requires a VPN connection

The student license is only available through a licensing server on-campus. In case you are trying to use it from your home, you will need to connect to campus network over VPN.
VPN creates a secure connection between your computer and the University network and allows you to use the licensing server.

The need for VPN also confirms that you are a current Middlesex University student.

Prerequisites for SiemensNX

Follow the steps below to get your computer ready for SiemensNX

Install Cisco VPN software

SiemensNX (Version 2312.7020) 64 bit for PCs running the 64 bit version of Windows 10

If you are doing a fresh install of Siemens NX, please use this installer

If you are UPGRADING from an older installation, please use this updater

How to Activate and Use SiemensNX for Middlesex University

Provide the Licensing Server details during install:

You need to be either on Campus or connected via the VPN client as per the instruction provided to you by your Academic(s),
and then use the following details when the software asks for it Licensing Server:

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